2024-09-26T20:44:59+02:00Von Lisa|
Monthly Azure news December 2022 Our Monthly Azure News December 2022 blog post brings you some of the most interesting Azure and Azure Kubernetes Service news announced in December 2022. Enjoy the read! Contents Generally Available Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server data encryption with CMK Azure AD [...]
2022-11-30T15:20:04+01:00Von Anela Avdibegovic|
Azure Developer Community Day Am 13.12.2022 findet der Azure Developer Community Day statt! An wen richtet sich der Azure Developer Community Day? ???????????? an alle Entwickler:innen die mit Azure oder Diensten wie Power Plattform arbeiten ???? DevOps Themen und Softwarearchitektur haben hier ihren Platz Wir freuen uns auf alle Teilnehmer:innen, Vorträge und das Networking! [...]
2022-12-09T16:31:57+01:00Von Daniel Kerschagl|
Monthly Azure news November 2022 This year is coming to an end, and we are glad to announce the penultimate issue of our Monthly Azure news in 2022. In this issue read about some major previews, changes to the Azure Static Web Apps and more. We recommend a cup [...]
2022-11-27T21:57:51+01:00Von Valentina Hermann|
Monthly Azure news October 2022 In this issue of Monthly Azure News find out about numerous new features, retirement announcements, and previews from the Azure/Cloud Native universe. ???? Feel free to share the news with your team and community. Contents Azure DevOpsGeneral NewsPostgreSQLAzure Container AppsAzure Kubernetes Service newsRetirement announcementsNext [...]
2022-10-19T22:15:02+02:00Von Markus Suemmchen|
Software as a Service Readiness Workshops im Herbst '22 Sie wollen SaaS Anbieter werden und Ihre Lösungen als Software as a Service Ihren Kunden bereitstellen? Speziell für Softwarehersteller (ISVs) und Unternehmen mit einem eigenen Software-Entwicklungsteam bieten wir im Herbst spannende Workshops und Angebote für Ihre SaaS Readiness. Unsere Angebote [...]
2024-01-09T08:30:36+01:00Von Daniel Kerschagl|
Monthly Azure news September 2022 In this blog post we summarized some of the most important general availabilities and public previews, such as gRPC support in Azure App Service, some updates for CLI and SDK, App Configuration with Azure App Service and some more. Enjoy the read! ???????????? Contents [...]
2024-02-09T08:11:52+01:00Von Anela Avdibegovic|
white duck news September 2022 Mit diesem Blog-Post möchten wir Sie über Neuigkeiten zu white duck, über unsere Veranstaltungen, über neues aus unserer Community-Arbeit und über interessante Neuigkeiten zu Cloud Native Entwicklung, Anwendungsmodernisierung und DevOps mit der Microsoft Azure Cloud informieren. Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Spass beim Lesen 😀 [...]
2024-09-26T20:44:36+02:00Von Christian Schueller|
Monthly Azure news August 2022 In the latest issue of our Monthly Azure news read about numerous public previews and availabilities that took place in the previous month, such as IoT Edge 1.4, Kubernetes 1.24 support, .NET 7 support in Linux consumption plan and much more. Feel free to [...]
2022-08-09T13:51:00+02:00Von Salome Schlemer|
Monthly Azure news July 2022 It's hot outside, so the latest Azure news from July 2022 is freshly out of the oven. Read about some new updates on Azure Kubernetes Service, .Net 7, and more. Enjoy! Contents General availabilitiesNew Update on Error handling and retries in Azure FunctionsImproved Azure [...]
2022-07-04T17:58:40+02:00Von Salome Schlemer|
Monthly Azure news June 2022 Welcome to the freshest updates, features, and previews of the Cloud Native Azure cosmos. In this edition, you will first read about our selection of generally available features, so that you can directly try them out. Second, there’s a sample of the recently public [...]