2024-04-29T16:48:09+02:00Von Philip Welz|
MVP Summit & KubeCon – Two Weeks Full of Cloud-Native Technology and Community Highlights What happens when you send two of your colleagues to attend two of the most exciting events in the cloud-native world? You get a lot of insights, learnings, and fun stories to share. That's what [...]
2024-03-13T11:12:26+01:00Von Anela Avdibegovic|
Cilium: Connecting, Observing, and Securing Service Mesh and Beyond with EBPF In der Cilium Maintainer-Track-Session, werden Sie ein Update darüber erhalten, wie Cilium die Grenzen von Cloud Native Networking, Observability und Sicherheit erweitert. Was kommt nach dem Abschluss und der Etablierung als De-facto-Standard-CNI für Kubernetes als Nächstes? Wir beginnen mit einem kurzen Überblick über [...]
2023-04-26T16:09:10+02:00Von Philip Welz|
KubeCon EU 2023 – 6 Days full of Cloud-Native Last week we joined KubeCon EU 2023 in Amsterdam to meet with the cloud-native and Azure communities and check out the latest project updates and trends within the open-source ecosystem. We did not only join KubeCon but also other corresponding [...]