22 03. 2016

On UI/UX Decisions

2021-09-30T10:58:20+02:00Von |

On UI/UX Decisions Despite the undisputable importance of UI/UX (User Interface, User Experience) for most software products, most software developers prefer to deal with more sexy/nerdy topics such as architectural patterns, algorithms, performance optimization, backend services etc. While giant vendors  enjoy the luxury of employing UI/UX engineers, medium sized vendors usually either do not have

23 02. 2016

On Product Lifecycles

2021-09-30T11:06:44+02:00Von |

On Product Lifecycles Civil engineers usually work on projects (buildings), which upon completion will mostly live on (and possibly be admired) for years, decades even centuries. Software engineers usually work on projects (products) which upon completion (if they ever do) are mostly already old, deprecated and need to be rewritten... If you are in software, you have to be aware of

21 01. 2016

Product vs. Project Mindset: Finding the Right Balance

2021-10-01T08:54:26+02:00Von |

Product vs. Project Mindset: Finding the Right Balance Building a software product is fundamentally different than implementing a software solution for a specific customer. While this might sound like common knowledge, a surprisingly big number of people in our industry just do not grasp it. As a product manager, you need to make sure that

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