Über Nico Meisenzahl

Nico Meisenzahl works as Senior Cloud & DevOps Consultant at white duck. As an elected Microsoft MVP, Docker Community Leader and GitLab Hero, his current passion is for topics around Cloud-Native and Kubernetes. Nico is a frequent speaker at conferences, user group events and Meetups in Europe and the United States.
2 06. 2021

Monthly Azure news May 2021

2024-12-06T10:50:27+01:00Von |

Monthly Azure news May 2021 Some fresh Azure updates are online - continue reading and feel free to share with all those interested in Azure and Cloud Native exciting world! This time we also included some awesome news from Microsoft Build 2021. Azure Static Web Apps is now generally

20 10. 2020

Containerisierung von .NET Core Microservices – Tipps & Tricks

2021-09-21T15:52:51+02:00Von |

Containerisierung von .NET Core Microservices - Tipps & Tricks Es gibt bereits viele Artikel, in denen Sie Einzelheiten zur Containerisierung von .NET Core-Anwendung finden können. Trotzdem bin ich der Meinung, dass ein detaillierter Post helfen kann Best Practices für ein produktionsreifes Container-Image auf der Grundlage von Container- und .NET

30 06. 2020

Monthly Azure news – June 2020

2021-09-21T15:59:29+02:00Von |

Monthly Azure news - June 2020 This month we are bringing you the news from the Azure and Cloud Native world and hope you will enjoy some of the updates as much as we do. Microsoft and Docker extend their partnership Microsoft and Docker are working together on new

26 06. 2020

Docker Rosenheim Meetup -Policy & Governance für Kubernetes

2021-09-21T16:01:42+02:00Von |

Docker Rosenheim Meetup -Policy & Governance for Kubernetes Our team is happy to present you a very hot topic in a world of Kubernetes - Policy & Governance for Kubernetes. Due to the current situation, we decided to host our Docker Rosenheim meetup via the widely popular video platform

9 04. 2020

Wir sind Stellwerk18 Partner

2021-11-25T16:36:47+01:00Von |

Wir sind Stellwerk18 Partner white duck offizieller Partner des Stellwerk18 Seit März 2020 ist die white duck Gmbh ein offizieller Partner des digitalen Gründerzentrums Stellwerk18 in Rosenheim. Das Stellwerk18 Das Stellwerk18 in Rosenheim ist ein digitales Gründerzentrum. In dieser Funktion unterstützt und vernetzt es Startups und etablierte Unternehmen durch

26 03. 2020

Open Source is Key

2021-11-25T16:43:17+01:00Von |

Open Source is Key Just as Microsoft we at white duck are big fans of open source. We use open source software internally on a daily basis as well as in most of our customer projects. Besides Azure (which itself is partly open source as well; aks-engine for example),

20 02. 2020

Docker Rosenheim Meetup – What is a Service Mesh?

2021-09-23T14:01:39+02:00Von |

Docker Rosenheim Meetup - What is a Service Mesh? Last week we had another great Docker Rosenheim Meetup at white duck. We had about 25 attendees, lots of pizza and even more fun. In this article, we would like to summarize our Meetup as well as provide some details

26 01. 2020

GitLab Commit in San Francisco — it was a blast!

2021-09-23T14:03:37+02:00Von |

GitLab Commit in San Francisco — it was a blast! We had the pleasure to attend the third GitLab user conference called GitLab Commit. It brings together GitLab users for a day of learning, networking, inspiration, and fun. This time GitLab Commit took place in sunny San Francisco earlier this week.   Sid (GitLab

27 11. 2019

GitHub Actions – fully integrated and shareable

2022-09-14T09:51:21+02:00Von |

GitHub Actions - fully integrated and shareable GitHub Actions are around for some time now. Many have heard about them but not everyone was able to play with them as they were in private beta. After some months this has finally changed. GitHub Actions are now GA (General Availability) and everyone can use them. But

6 11. 2019

Azure Arc – Multi-Cloud, On-Premises und Edge zentral verwalten

2022-01-03T10:49:22+01:00Von |

Azure Arc – Multi-Cloud, On-Premises und Edge zentral verwalten Microsoft bietet mit Azure Arc seit dieser Woche die Möglichkeit Multi-Cloud Services sowie On-Premises und Edge Workloads zentral zu verwalten. Hierbei kann das gewohnte Azure Umfeld, sowie der Azure-Werkzeugkasten zum Verwalten anderer Cloud- sowie On-Pemises Dienste genutzt werden. Azure Arc wurde am 4. November von Microsoft auf der

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