7 03. 2023

Cilium & AKS Workshop Day

2023-06-23T15:08:03+02:00Von |

Workshop zu Cilium & Azure Kubernetes Service in Kooperation mit Microsoft und Isovalent eBPF-basiertes Netzwerk, Observability und DevSecOps mit Cilium auf Azure Kubernetes Service ermöglicht Ihnen, ihr Kubernetes-Cluster effizienter und sicherer zu betreiben. In diesem on-site Workshop Day „Cilium & AKS Workshop Day – eBPF-basiertes Netzwerk, Observability und DevSecOps mit Cilium auf Azure

7 07. 2021

Monthly Azure news – June 2021

2024-06-05T13:36:44+02:00Von |

Monthly Azure news June 2021 This month as per usual we report about some of the most recent news from the Azure and Cloud native world! Join us and keep reading as there are bunch of interesting updates. Don't forget to share it with your community. Public Preview: Azure

6 04. 2021

Monthly Azure news March 2021

2023-01-25T17:45:24+01:00Von |

Monthly Azure news March 2021   In this blogpost you will read about some of the most important Azure updates that inspired our team during month of March. Enjoy the read! Role-based access control (RBAC) with Azure Active Directory (AAD) on Azure Cosmos DB is in public preview now

3 09. 2020

Monthly Azure news – August 2020

2022-02-04T17:23:54+01:00Von |

Monthly Azure news - August 2020 As promised, this month we're also bringing you some fresh news from the Azure world. In this post you will read about: Azure Functions, PowerShell cmdlets, Kubernetes, and much more, so don't hesitate to check the post. 1. Azure Cosmos DB Management with

4 08. 2020

Monthly Azure news – July 2020

2022-02-04T17:19:43+01:00Von |

Monthly Azure news - July 2020 In our monthly Azure news find out which updates and findings have marked this month. Moreover, you can read about what we found useful to share with our community as well as a short summary of our Azure Rosenheim meetup. We are happy

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