20 01. 2022

Monthly Azure news December 2021

2022-09-13T08:42:08+02:00Von |

Monthly Azure news December 2021 In this issue of Monthly Azure news, we offer a brief retrospective of the most important updates from the cloud-native universe announced or published in December 2021. Make sure to share this post with your community and enjoy reading it. We wish you all

10 12. 2021

Monthly Azure news November 2021

2024-11-08T10:07:03+01:00Von |

Monthly Azure news November 2021 As you may have expected, we're sharing some exciting news important to the Cloud Native enthusiasts. In our November issue read about some of the great Microsoft Ignite announcements, Azure Container Apps, .NET 6.0 for Azure Functions, and more. Enjoy the read. Contents Azure

1 12. 2021

Wie Entwicklungsteams in Zukunft (remote) zusammenarbeiten.

2022-09-14T10:59:52+02:00Von |

Wie Entwicklungsteams in Zukunft (remote) zusammenarbeiten. Ohne Zweifel hat Covid-19 die Arbeitswelt beeinflusst und wird auch weiterhin Einfluss darauf haben, wie wir in Zukunft (remote) zusammenarbeiten. Speziell Entwicklungsteams haben teilweise auch schon vor Covid-19 remote, dezentral und asynchron gearbeitet. Aber auch wenn die Entwicklungsteams schon teilweise remote, dezentral und asynchron

18 11. 2021

Production-ready Terraform project scaffolding for Azure

2021-11-18T09:38:58+01:00Von |

Production-ready Terraform project scaffolding for Azure Many modern applications are built with Cloud Native patterns in mind and therefore rely on Cloud resources and infrastructure. However, you also need to think about how to build and manage these resources. This is where Infrastructure as Code and Terraform (and many

11 11. 2021

Monthly Azure news – October 2021

2021-11-12T08:31:39+01:00Von |

Monthly Azure news October 2021 In October's issue of Monthly Azure News read about some updates from the Microsoft, Kubernetes and Visual Code Studio universes. We hope you will enjoy the read.  Contents Object replication in public preview for Premium Block Blob StorageGeneral availability: Azure Monitor container insights portal

13 10. 2021

DevOps Vorlesung an der Technischen Hochschule Rosenheim

2021-11-25T15:25:04+01:00Von |

DevOps Vorlesung an der Technischen Hochschule Rosenheim Als Rosenheimer Unternehmen ist es uns wichtig einen engen Kontakt mit den ansässigen Forschungs- und Bildungseinrichtungen zu pflegen. Im Rahmen dessen sind immer wieder Experten von uns als Lehrbeauftragte an der Technischen Hochschule Rosenheim tätig. In diesem Blogbeitrag will ich auf die

6 10. 2021

Monthly Azure news September 2021

2021-10-07T08:21:28+02:00Von |

Monthly Azure news September 2021 In the September issue of monthly Azure news read about some updates related to the Azure Policy for Kubernetes, Azure SQL, daprCon and much more. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy the read.  Contents Azure AD Graph is retiring on 30

8 09. 2021

Monthly Azure news August 2021

2022-12-06T14:56:56+01:00Von |

Monthly Azure news August 2021 In this month's summary read about some important updates related to Azure Cosmos DB, AKS, Flexible Server and Azure Functions support that will be ending in 2022. We would appreciate it, in case you share the post with your community. Enjoy the read! Contents

30 08. 2021

Critical vulnerability in Azure Cosmos DB – Act now!

2021-11-25T15:40:19+01:00Von |

Critical vulnerability in Azure Cosmos DB - Act now! Last Thursday, August 26, Microsoft informed thousands of its Azure customers about a critical vulnerability in their cloud offering Cosmos DB. Wiz, the company that found the #ChaosDB security vulnerability, was able to extract any other Cosmos DB customer's primary

3 08. 2021

Monthly Azure news – July 2021

2022-02-04T18:04:27+01:00Von |

Monthly Azure news July 2021 The most important news from the Azure world is summarized in the this blogpost. We hope you will enjoy the read and share this blogpost with your team and/or community. Contents OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set 3.2 for Azure Web Application Firewall in public

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