DevOpsCon – Helm vs. Operators – Do I Need to Decide?

Online Event

At DevOpsCON Nico will talk about the differences between Helm and Operators - their advantages and disadvantages, their scopes as well as the reason there is a kind of battle between the two. Stay tuned for more details and check the DevOpsCON Website! Speaker: Nico Meisenzahl (Senior Cloud & DevOps Consultant white duck)

Microsoft DevOps Forum 2021 – DevOps & Security for SMBs

Online Event

on the July 7, 2021 learn from Microsoft and GitHub's hands on practice how the practices used in DevOps give you a great opportunity to improve safety. Practices such as automation, monitoring, collaboration, and fast and early feedback provide an excellent foundation for integrating security into DevOps processes. Speakers: Nico Meisenzahl (Senior Cloud &

Azure Meetup Hamburg feat. Azure Rosenheim Meetup

Online Event

Production-Ready Terraform Deployments on Azure Infrastructure-as-code is key to keeping up with our rapidly changing world. In this talk, you'll learn everything you need to get started with Terraform on Azure. Nico will show you all the basics and best practices you need to know to use Terraform in Azure. In addition, you will

GitLab Commit Virtual 2021

Online Event

During this two-day conference, you can learn how to instill modern DevOps practices at your organization. Hear firsthand digital transformation stories from some of the well-known companies and learn about the cutting-edge CI/CD and security technologies that will bring your company to the next level. Speaker: Nico Meisenzahl (Senior Cloud & DevOps Consultant white

Container Days 2021 Hamburg

Online Event

Nico shows how to hijack a Kubernetes cluster based on common attack vectors. You'll also learn why it's important to implement zero trust to prevent data leaks and malicious workloads from running on a hijacked cluster. Speaker: Nico Meisenzahl (Senior Cloud & DevOps Consultant white duck GmbH)

A journey through the three major public clouds

Stellwerk18 Eduard-Rüber-Str. 7, Stellwerk18, Deutschland

Three regional cloud engineering service providers report on their project experiences around the public clouds of Amazon, Google and Microsoft. Experts will provide you with an overview and possibilities for the transformation into the cloud using practical examples. (Virtual Option: Speakers: Markus Sümmchen (CEO and Managing Director white duck GmbH) Martin Brandl (Cloud

Azure Immersion Workshop

Online Event

Microsoft Virtual Immersion Workshops: CloudNative Apps The topic "Development and modernization of existing apps with cloud-native technologies Kubernetes and Azure" Speakers: Martin Brandl (Cloud Solution Architect, white duck GmbH Azure MVP) Nico Meisenzahl (Senior Cloud & DevOps Consultant, white duck GmbH)

Kubernetes 1.22 – What’s new?

Online Event

Learn all new things about Kubernetes 1.22 with Philip, Dario and Nico. We'll show you our top picks from all 56 improvements and give you helpful insights and tips. Speakers: Nico Meisenzahl (Senior Cloud & DevOps Consultant, white duck GmbH) Philip Welz (Senior Kubernetes & DevOps Engineer, white duck GmbH) Dario Brozovic (DevOps Engineer,

Cloud Native Rejekts

Nico will show how to hijack a Kubernetes cluster based on common attack vectors. You'll also learn why it's important to implement zero trust to prevent data leaks and malicious workloads. This talk is not intended to be a more in-depth security talk, but to teach you best practices and also to make you

Continuous Lifecycle 2021

Online Event

Nico shows how to hijack a Kubernetes cluster based on common attack vectors. You'll also learn why it's important to implement zero trust to prevent data leaks and malicious workloads. Speaker: Nico Meisenzahl (Senior Cloud & DevOps Consultant white duck GmbH)

Telekom Inspiration Weeks

Online Event

Cloud Native Development for Software Vendors (ISVs) – What to Consider In this session, we would like to give you as a software manufacturer (ISV) an overview of modern cloud native software development. We offer you recommendations and best practices around the design and development of cloud-native applications and present the benefits of Microsoft

Azure Rosenheim Meetup

Online Event

We look forward to welcome you to our next virtual Azure Rosenheim Meetup. Since Microsoft has provided a new serverless compute platform for containers, we want to introduce you to some other news about Kubernetes and containers. Speakers: Nico Meisenzahl (Senior Cloud & DevOps Consultant @white duck) Philip Welz (Senior Kubernetes & DevOps Engineer

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