2024-01-10T08:23:16+01:00By Markus Suemmchen|
Auerbräu Rosenheim and Stellwerk18 once again invite you to the Ballhaus Rosenheim for an exciting and profitable evening. This year's theme:
Don't Panic! How high-tech ecology and optimism can save our future.
We will be there as an exhibitor and want to make our contribution to the big topic of sustainability with our advice on sustainable cloud-native application development.
2024-03-13T11:23:45+01:00By Markus Suemmchen|
In this webinar, which we are conducting together with our partner Telekom Deutschland, our experts Martin Brandl and Nico Meisenzahl shed light on the concept of sustainability in the context of cloud-native workloads and show the benefits of developing sustainable applications.
2024-01-09T09:00:26+01:00By Nico Meisenzahl|
Cloud-Native & Sustainability: Eine Übersicht und erste Schritte Wie können wir digitale Innovationen vorantreiben und gleichzeitig den steigenden Anforderungen für Nachhaltigkeit gerecht werden? Dieser Beitrag soll aufzeigen, wie sich Cloud-native und nachhaltige Anwendungsentwicklung vereinen lassen, um effizienter, skalierbarer und nachhaltige Anwendungen zu entwickeln und bereitzustellen. Wir werden besprechen, was [...]
2023-05-31T17:37:16+02:00By Anela Avdibegovic|
Cloud-Native & Sustainability: How and Why to Build Sustainable In this talk, Nico will explore the concept of sustainability in the context of cloud-native workloads and discuss the benefits of developing sustainable applications. Nico will share best practices for developing and implementing sustainable cloud-native workloads and give real-world examples. This talk will walk you [...]