3 08. 2021

Monthly Azure news – July 2021

2022-02-04T18:04:27+01:00Von |

Monthly Azure news July 2021 The most important news from the Azure world is summarized in the this blogpost. We hope you will enjoy the read and share this blogpost with your team and/or community. Contents OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set 3.2 for Azure Web Application Firewall in public

7 07. 2021

Monthly Azure news – June 2021

2024-09-26T20:43:34+02:00Von |

Monthly Azure news June 2021 This month as per usual we report about some of the most recent news from the Azure and Cloud native world! Join us and keep reading as there are bunch of interesting updates. Don't forget to share it with your community. Public Preview: Azure

2 06. 2021

Monthly Azure news May 2021

2024-12-06T10:50:27+01:00Von |

Monthly Azure news May 2021 Some fresh Azure updates are online - continue reading and feel free to share with all those interested in Azure and Cloud Native exciting world! This time we also included some awesome news from Microsoft Build 2021. Azure Static Web Apps is now generally

9 03. 2021

Monthly Azure news February 2021

2022-02-04T17:47:38+01:00Von |

Monthly Azure news February 2021 In the following summary learn about some of the most interesting Cloud Native topics that were announced in February. We hope you will enjoy reading the blogpost and hope you will find it helpful for you and your team. . RBAC for Azure Key

10 06. 2020

Monthly Azure news – May 2020

2021-09-21T16:03:46+02:00Von |

Monthly Azure news - May 2020 As a team passionate about Azure Cloud engineering, we have decided to feature monthly Azure news published by Microsoft Azure on our white duck blog. Our consolidated Azure news will focus on the development of cloud-native applications. The announcements for the month May

28 04. 2020

SQL Database Edge – An IoT Game Changer

2021-09-21T16:06:47+02:00Von |

SQL Database Edge - An IoT Game Changer I don't remember the last time I got excited so much about a new database technology, or a new database offering to be more precise. SQL Database Edge is the inevitable result of recent  Database and IoT developments in the Microsoft

2 11. 2016

white duck baut seine Azure Cloud Kompetenz weiter aus

2021-09-28T09:27:51+02:00Von |

white duck baut seine Azure Cloud Kompetenz weiter aus Für die Entwicklung von modernen, hochskalierbaren und sicheren SaaS Anwendungen setzen wir seit inzwischen mehr als vier Jahren intensiv auf die Microsoft Azure Cloud Plattform. Die Kombination aus .NET basierter Software-Entwicklung, flexiblen Microservice Architekturen, agil entwickelnden DevOps-Teams und der sehr ausgereiften Microsoft Azure Cloud bringt uns

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