28 04. 2020

SQL Database Edge – An IoT Game Changer

2021-09-21T16:06:47+02:00Von |

SQL Database Edge - An IoT Game Changer I don't remember the last time I got excited so much about a new database technology, or a new database offering to be more precise. SQL Database Edge is the inevitable result of recent  Database and IoT developments in the Microsoft

20 05. 2016

Dealing with Feature Requests

2021-09-30T10:45:43+02:00Von |

Dealing with Feature Requests As a product manager you are usually the recipient of countless feature requests. Feature requests may arrive per email, support systems, phone etc. They just keep coming... One common mistake is to try give feedback or even worse take decisions (yes we are..., no we are not..., we are not sure

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