8 09. 2021

Monthly Azure news August 2021

2022-12-06T14:56:56+01:00Von |

Monthly Azure news August 2021 In this month's summary read about some important updates related to Azure Cosmos DB, AKS, Flexible Server and Azure Functions support that will be ending in 2022. We would appreciate it, in case you share the post with your community. Enjoy the read! Contents

2 09. 2021

Unser Team – Markus Voit

2021-09-21T15:33:30+02:00Von |

Unser Team - Markus Voit Markus Voit ist Software & DevOps Engineer und seit August 2021 fester Bestandteil des white duck Teams. Anders als andere Kollegen habe ich mich nicht bereits seit der Jugend für Informatik begeistert und Informatik während meines Abitur sogar abgewählt. Zwar fand ich Computer und

5 05. 2021

Monthly Azure news April 2021

2024-06-05T13:36:18+02:00Von |

Monthly Azure news April 2021   Your monthly dose of Azure news is online. As you may already know, in this blogpost you read about some of the most important Azure updates that have inspired our team during April. Enjoy the read and feel free to share with your

6 04. 2021

Monthly Azure news March 2021

2023-01-25T17:45:24+01:00Von |

Monthly Azure news March 2021   In this blogpost you will read about some of the most important Azure updates that inspired our team during month of March. Enjoy the read! Role-based access control (RBAC) with Azure Active Directory (AAD) on Azure Cosmos DB is in public preview now

10 02. 2021

Monthly Azure news January 2021

2022-02-04T17:42:41+01:00Von |

Monthly Azure news January 2021   Our team summarized the most relevant and interesting updates from the Azure Cloud world that were announced in January 2021. Some topics, as you will see, are not directly related to Azure, however our team finds them important and relevant for all those

3 12. 2020

Monthly Azure news November 2020

2024-06-05T13:33:39+02:00Von |

Monthly Azure news November 2020 You're interested in the Azure Cloud world and want to find out what happened or what was released during November 2020? In this blog post we are bringing you some of the most interesting news from the Azure world. Also, we included a link

6 11. 2020

Monthly Azure news October 2020

2024-06-05T13:33:09+02:00Von |

Monthly Azure news October 2020 This month as per usual we're reporting about some of the most recent news from the Azure and Cloud native world! Join us and keep reading as there are bunch of interesting updates and tips. . . Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack HCI

20 10. 2020

Containerisierung von .NET Core Microservices – Tipps & Tricks

2021-09-21T15:52:51+02:00Von |

Containerisierung von .NET Core Microservices - Tipps & Tricks Es gibt bereits viele Artikel, in denen Sie Einzelheiten zur Containerisierung von .NET Core-Anwendung finden können. Trotzdem bin ich der Meinung, dass ein detaillierter Post helfen kann Best Practices für ein produktionsreifes Container-Image auf der Grundlage von Container- und .NET

9 10. 2020

Monthly Azure news September 2020

2024-06-28T17:01:56+02:00Von |

Monthly Azure news - September 2020 What is new in September? white duck team is presenting you the most recent Azure updates important for this month. As there are constantly new collaborations and projects happening, you can also find some news about Docker and GitHub. Also, this month we

4 08. 2020

Monthly Azure news – July 2020

2022-02-04T17:19:43+01:00Von |

Monthly Azure news - July 2020 In our monthly Azure news find out which updates and findings have marked this month. Moreover, you can read about what we found useful to share with our community as well as a short summary of our Azure Rosenheim meetup. We are happy

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