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All details can be found on the ADN Distribution GmbH registration page.


Morning – The experts from zbits GmbH, ModulAcht GmbH, Microsoft and white duck present all innovations and provide background knowledge on the topics of Azure, Microsoft 365 and Power Apps.

Afternoon – is reserved for the hands-on sessions. Thanks to our parallel expo, you also have the opportunity to exchange ideas with our experts on-site!


Robin Saberi (CEO & Dynamics 365 & Power-Platform Expert @ModulAcht)

Thomas Baumann (CEO & IT Architect @zbits GmbH)

Stefan Fuhrer (Sales Manager Cloud Solutions @ADN)

Markus Sümmchen (CEO & Founder @white duck)

Nico Meisenzahl (Senior Cloud & DevOps Consultant @white duck)

Martin Brandl (Head of Cloud Development & Operations @white duck)

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