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-Welcome and Overview by moderator Robin-Manuel Thiel

-Talk Robin-Manuel Thiel and Dr. Benjamin Kreck about IGNITE March Highlights/News/Top-Announcements

-10:15 – 10:45: “On a container cocktail with Nico Meisenzahl: How Kubernetes and Open Source conquer the cloud”. Dev-/IT-Pro Community-Talk with Robin-Manuel Thiel and Nico Meisenzahl (white duck) feat. latest DEV/IT-PRO topics within the German community

-Talk Robin-Manuel Thiel and Edip Saliba about Skilling/Certifications/Trainings for DEV-/IT-Pros in Germany & Globally

-Summary & Closing Remarks by Robin-Manuel Thiel

Total = 30 minutes


Nico Meisenzahl (Senior Cloud & DevOps Consultant white duck)

Robin-Manuel Thiel (Global Black Belt | Cloud Native, Microsoft)

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