1 04. 2023

How to get started with Azure Chaos Studio

2023-05-20T12:06:35+02:00By |

How to get started with Azure Chaos Studio Since it was made publicly famous by Netflix in 2011, the adoption of Chaos Engineering reached a state where even the big Cloud Hyperscalers are offering managed solutions to implement Chaos Engineering within your organization. This blog post will cover the

28 02. 2023

Chaos Engineering with Azure Chaos Studio pt. 2

2023-04-20T15:16:10+02:00By |

We are pleased to welcome you to the second part of our series "Chaos Engineering with Azure Chaos Studio". In the first part, we covered the basics of chaos engineering and looked at Azure Chaos Studio. In this part, we want to use Azure Chaos Studio to cause some chaos on a Kubernetes cluster

28 02. 2023

Chaos Engineering with Azure Chaos Studio pt. 1

2023-06-06T10:36:03+02:00By |

This is the first part of a series about chaos engineering with Azure Chaos Studio. In this part, we will learn the basics and key principles of chaos engineering. Afterwards we are going to introduce Azure Chaos Studio (Public Preview), that is a new(er) managed service on Azure. Speaker: Philip Welz (Senior Kubernetes &

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