10 12. 2021

Monthly Azure news November 2021

2024-11-08T10:07:03+01:00By |

Monthly Azure news November 2021 As you may have expected, we're sharing some exciting news important to the Cloud Native enthusiasts. In our November issue read about some of the great Microsoft Ignite announcements, Azure Container Apps, .NET 6.0 for Azure Functions, and more. Enjoy the read. Contents Azure

1 12. 2021

Wie Entwicklungsteams in Zukunft (remote) zusammenarbeiten.

2022-09-14T10:59:52+02:00By |

Wie Entwicklungsteams in Zukunft (remote) zusammenarbeiten. Ohne Zweifel hat Covid-19 die Arbeitswelt beeinflusst und wird auch weiterhin Einfluss darauf haben, wie wir in Zukunft (remote) zusammenarbeiten. Speziell Entwicklungsteams haben teilweise auch schon vor Covid-19 remote, dezentral und asynchron gearbeitet. Aber auch wenn die Entwicklungsteams schon teilweise remote, dezentral und asynchron

6 10. 2021

Monthly Azure news September 2021

2021-10-07T08:21:28+02:00By |

Monthly Azure news September 2021 In the September issue of monthly Azure news read about some updates related to the Azure Policy for Kubernetes, Azure SQL, daprCon and much more. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy the read.  Contents Azure AD Graph is retiring on 30

8 09. 2021

Monthly Azure news August 2021

2022-12-06T14:56:56+01:00By |

Monthly Azure news August 2021 In this month's summary read about some important updates related to Azure Cosmos DB, AKS, Flexible Server and Azure Functions support that will be ending in 2022. We would appreciate it, in case you share the post with your community. Enjoy the read! Contents

30 08. 2021

Critical vulnerability in Azure Cosmos DB – Act now!

2021-11-25T15:40:19+01:00By |

Critical vulnerability in Azure Cosmos DB - Act now! Last Thursday, August 26, Microsoft informed thousands of its Azure customers about a critical vulnerability in their cloud offering Cosmos DB. Wiz, the company that found the #ChaosDB security vulnerability, was able to extract any other Cosmos DB customer's primary

15 07. 2021

Unser Team – André Ratzenberger

2021-09-21T15:48:49+02:00By |

Unser Team - André Ratzenberger André ist Cloud Solution Architect und seit 2013 fester Bestandteil des white duck Teams. Als letzter Informatik-Diplomer der TH Rosenheim begann André nach dem Studium als Backendentwickler und entwickelte sich mit der Zeit zu einem Cloud Experten. In 2021 absolvierte André erfolgreich die Zertifizierung

28 05. 2021

Unser Team – Valentina Hermann

2021-09-21T15:43:44+02:00By |

Unser Team - Valentina Hermann Valentina ist bei white duck Testmanagerin & DevOps Engineer mit mehr als 12 Jahren Berufserfahrung in (inter)nationalen Projekten. Sie ist eine ISTQB® zertifizierte Testerin (Advanced Level Technical Analyst). Zu ihren Aufgaben in Projekten zählen funktionale, nichtfunktionale Test sowie Testautomatisierung. Erfahren Sie mehr über Valentina

5 05. 2021

Monthly Azure news April 2021

2024-06-05T13:36:18+02:00By |

Monthly Azure news April 2021   Your monthly dose of Azure news is online. As you may already know, in this blogpost you read about some of the most important Azure updates that have inspired our team during April. Enjoy the read and feel free to share with your

10 02. 2021

Monthly Azure news January 2021

2022-02-04T17:42:41+01:00By |

Monthly Azure news January 2021   Our team summarized the most relevant and interesting updates from the Azure Cloud world that were announced in January 2021. Some topics, as you will see, are not directly related to Azure, however our team finds them important and relevant for all those

6 11. 2020

Monthly Azure news October 2020

2024-06-05T13:33:09+02:00By |

Monthly Azure news October 2020 This month as per usual we're reporting about some of the most recent news from the Azure and Cloud native world! Join us and keep reading as there are bunch of interesting updates and tips. . . Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack HCI

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