6 04. 2022

Monthly Azure news March 2022

2024-01-09T08:23:22+01:00By |

Monthly Azure news March 2022 In this blogpost you'll read about the latest news from the Azure and Cloud-Native universe. We look forward to your comments, shares, engagement. Contents New option available for Azure Static Web Apps configuration Microsoft Azure helps to keep a sharp eye on the costs

2 02. 2022

Monthly Azure news January 2022

2022-02-02T16:56:54+01:00By |

Monthly Azure news January 2022 Some fresh 2022 news from the Cloud Native world is summarized in our January issue. We hope you will learn something new and share the post with your team and community. Contents New generally available updates and enhancements for Microsoft Defender for Cloud (former

20 01. 2022

Monthly Azure news December 2021

2022-09-13T08:42:08+02:00By |

Monthly Azure news December 2021 In this issue of Monthly Azure news, we offer a brief retrospective of the most important updates from the cloud-native universe announced or published in December 2021. Make sure to share this post with your community and enjoy reading it. We wish you all

10 12. 2021

Monthly Azure news November 2021

2023-03-28T16:12:32+02:00By |

Monthly Azure news November 2021 As you may have expected, we're sharing some exciting news important to the Cloud Native enthusiasts. In our November issue read about some of the great Microsoft Ignite announcements, Azure Container Apps, .NET 6.0 for Azure Functions, and more. Enjoy the read. Contents Azure

1 12. 2021

Wie Entwicklungsteams in Zukunft (remote) zusammenarbeiten.

2022-09-14T10:59:52+02:00By |

Wie Entwicklungsteams in Zukunft (remote) zusammenarbeiten. Ohne Zweifel hat Covid-19 die Arbeitswelt beeinflusst und wird auch weiterhin Einfluss darauf haben, wie wir in Zukunft (remote) zusammenarbeiten. Speziell Entwicklungsteams haben teilweise auch schon vor Covid-19 remote, dezentral und asynchron gearbeitet. Aber auch wenn die Entwicklungsteams schon teilweise remote, dezentral und asynchron

11 11. 2021

Monthly Azure news – October 2021

2021-11-12T08:31:39+01:00By |

Monthly Azure news October 2021 In October's issue of Monthly Azure News read about some updates from the Microsoft, Kubernetes and Visual Code Studio universes. We hope you will enjoy the read.  Contents Object replication in public preview for Premium Block Blob StorageGeneral availability: Azure Monitor container insights portal

6 10. 2021

Monthly Azure news September 2021

2021-10-07T08:21:28+02:00By |

Monthly Azure news September 2021 In the September issue of monthly Azure news read about some updates related to the Azure Policy for Kubernetes, Azure SQL, daprCon and much more. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy the read.  Contents Azure AD Graph is retiring on 30

8 09. 2021

Monthly Azure news August 2021

2022-12-06T14:56:56+01:00By |

Monthly Azure news August 2021 In this month's summary read about some important updates related to Azure Cosmos DB, AKS, Flexible Server and Azure Functions support that will be ending in 2022. We would appreciate it, in case you share the post with your community. Enjoy the read! Contents

2 09. 2021

Unser Team – Markus Voit

2021-09-21T15:33:30+02:00By |

Unser Team - Markus Voit Markus Voit ist Software & DevOps Engineer und seit August 2021 fester Bestandteil des white duck Teams. Anders als andere Kollegen habe ich mich nicht bereits seit der Jugend für Informatik begeistert und Informatik während meines Abitur sogar abgewählt. Zwar fand ich Computer und

5 05. 2021

Monthly Azure news April 2021

2022-02-04T17:54:38+01:00By |

Monthly Azure news April 2021   Your monthly dose of Azure news is online. As you may already know, in this blogpost you read about some of the most important Azure updates that have inspired our team during April. Enjoy the read and feel free to share with your

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