28 07. 2021

Recap: Microsoft DevOps Forum 2021 – DevOps & Security

2021-11-23T13:40:06+01:00Von |

Recap: Microsoft DevOps Forum 2021 – DevOps & Security Earlier this month I had the honor to speak at the second Microsoft DevOps Forum. This time with a Focus on DevSecOps. The featured talks covered everything from the basics of DevSecOps to details like how to achieve higher security

15 07. 2021

Unser Team – André Ratzenberger

2021-09-21T15:48:49+02:00Von |

Unser Team - André Ratzenberger André ist Cloud Solution Architect und seit 2013 fester Bestandteil des white duck Teams. Als letzter Informatik-Diplomer der TH Rosenheim begann André nach dem Studium als Backendentwickler und entwickelte sich mit der Zeit zu einem Cloud Experten. In 2021 absolvierte André erfolgreich die Zertifizierung

7 07. 2021

Monthly Azure news – June 2021

2024-09-26T20:43:34+02:00Von |

Monthly Azure news June 2021 This month as per usual we report about some of the most recent news from the Azure and Cloud native world! Join us and keep reading as there are bunch of interesting updates. Don't forget to share it with your community. Public Preview: Azure

2 06. 2021

Monthly Azure news May 2021

2024-12-06T10:50:27+01:00Von |

Monthly Azure news May 2021 Some fresh Azure updates are online - continue reading and feel free to share with all those interested in Azure and Cloud Native exciting world! This time we also included some awesome news from Microsoft Build 2021. Azure Static Web Apps is now generally

5 05. 2021

Monthly Azure news April 2021

2024-06-05T13:36:18+02:00Von |

Monthly Azure news April 2021   Your monthly dose of Azure news is online. As you may already know, in this blogpost you read about some of the most important Azure updates that have inspired our team during April. Enjoy the read and feel free to share with your

15 04. 2021

Unser Team – Dario Brozovic

2021-09-21T15:49:33+02:00Von |

Unser Team - Dario Brozovic In diesem Blog Beitrag erfahren Sie mehr über Dario, der als DevOps Engineer seit fast einem Jahr Teil unseres Teams ist. Dario hat Web Business & Technology an der Hochschule Kufstein studiert und nach erfolgreicher Absolvierung der notwendigen Microsoft Prüfungen ist er zudem zertifizierter

6 04. 2021

Monthly Azure news March 2021

2023-01-25T17:45:24+01:00Von |

Monthly Azure news March 2021   In this blogpost you will read about some of the most important Azure updates that inspired our team during month of March. Enjoy the read! Role-based access control (RBAC) with Azure Active Directory (AAD) on Azure Cosmos DB is in public preview now

9 03. 2021

Monthly Azure news February 2021

2022-02-04T17:47:38+01:00Von |

Monthly Azure news February 2021 In the following summary learn about some of the most interesting Cloud Native topics that were announced in February. We hope you will enjoy reading the blogpost and hope you will find it helpful for you and your team. . RBAC for Azure Key

4 03. 2021

Unser Team – Anela Avdibegovic

2021-09-21T15:50:11+02:00Von |

Unser Team - Anela Avdibegovic Da sich unser Team stetig weiterentwickelt, möchten wir unseren Kunden, Partnern und Followern unsere Kollegeninnen und Kollegen in nächster Zeit etwas näher vorstellen. Heute erfahren Sie mehr über Anela, die als Marketing Managerin bei uns arbeitet. Anela hat Anglistik und Amerikanistik studiert und hat

17 02. 2021

Dapr – The Future of Cloud-Native development is here

2023-06-27T15:06:37+02:00Von |

Dapr – The Future of Cloud-Native development is here Dapr v1.0.0 is here! To be precise, it was released tonight and is now considered ready for use in production workloads. In fact, there are already companies that are successfully using Dapr in production. So why is this exciting? Read

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