white duck Blog
On Product Lifecycles
On Product Lifecycles Civil engineers usually work on projects (buildings), which upon completion will mostly live on (and possibly be admired) for years, decades even centuries. Software engineers usually work on projects (products) which upon completion (if they ever do) are mostly already old, deprecated and need to be rewritten... If you are in software,
Strategic Decisions and Finance: I wish it was all about $, but it’s not
Strategic Decisions and Finance: I wish it was all about $, but it's not As software companies grow bigger, it is imperative to investigate business cases/opportunities. When a business idea is present, it needs to be first translated into a business case and second evaluated as such. Should we pursue this
Product vs. Project Mindset: Finding the Right Balance
Product vs. Project Mindset: Finding the Right Balance Building a software product is fundamentally different than implementing a software solution for a specific customer. While this might sound like common knowledge, a surprisingly big number of people in our industry just do not grasp it. As a product manager, you
The Thorny Road to Cloud/Saas Transition: How to start
The Thorny Road to Cloud/Saas Transition: How to start For the majority of software startups, the question of Cloud and/or SaaS is pretty straightforward: it is something that has to be considered from the very beginning. Considered does not necessarily mean implemented, but it is definitely a question that has
On the Past, Present and Future of OLAP
On the Past, Present and Future of OLAP Recent advances in column oriented databases and the proliferation of self-service BI makes a lot of us wonder: is OLAP/Cube technology still relevant? While the obvious answer is definitely yes, it is helpful to know the origins and evolution of these technologies,
white duck stellt IDL Reporting Plattform auf dem BARC BI Congress vor
white duck stellt IDL Reporting Plattform auf dem BARC BI Congress vor Mit einem Publikum von über 300 Personen war der diesjährige BARC BI Congress in Würzburg gut besucht. Markus Sümmchen, Geschäftsführer der white duck GmbH aus Rosenheim stellte vor begeistertem Publikum die neue IDL Reporting Plattform mit den Schwerpunkten
Daten Management – Ein Thema für alle!
Daten Management - Ein Thema für alle! Egal in welcher Branche – Daten sind und werden zu einem immer wichtigeren Rohstoff. Der Siegeszug datengetriebener Geschäftsmodelle macht ihre zentrale Bedeutung zunehmend sichtbar. Rapide wachsende Datenmengen, die Forderung nach Realtime-Verfügbarkeit sowie die Notwendigkeit zur bewussten organisatorischen Verankerung stellen große Herausforderungen an das
Cloud-BI entwickelt sich zur Inhouse-Alternative
Cloud-BI entwickelt sich zur Inhouse-Alternative Cloud Computing hat sich zu einer ernsthaften Alternative zur Bereitstellung von Softwarelösungen in einem Rechenzentrum entwickelt. Unternehmen nutzen dabei die Technologien als Service und betreiben diese nicht mehr auf eigener Infrastruktur. Längst etabliert haben sich die Auslagerung von E-Mail- und Portal-Servern sowie Collaboration-Tools und Enterprise-Social-
The Blogs of our Experts
News and interesting facts from our experts on Cloud technologies and digitalization