9 02. 2022

3/3 Polyglot microservice development with Dapr – What options are available to simplify the development of polyglot microservices?

2024-08-19T18:00:08+02:00By |

3/3 Polyglot microservice development with Dapr - What options are available to simplify the development of polyglot microservices? This is the third part of a blogpost series about polyglot microservices, which is based on my master’s thesis on “Polyglot Microservice Development with the Distributed Application Runtime”. In the first

21 12. 2021

2/3 Polyglot microservice development with Dapr – What are the challenges of polyglot microservice development?

2022-02-09T09:54:10+01:00By |

2/3 Polyglot microservice development with Dapr - What are the challenges of polyglot microservice development? This is the second part of a blogpost series about polyglot microservices, which is based on my master’s thesis on “Polyglot Microservice Development with the Distributed Application Runtime”. In the first part we looked

17 02. 2021

Dapr – The Future of Cloud-Native development is here

2023-06-27T15:06:37+02:00By |

Dapr – The Future of Cloud-Native development is here Dapr v1.0.0 is here! To be precise, it was released tonight and is now considered ready for use in production workloads. In fact, there are already companies that are successfully using Dapr in production. So why is this exciting? Read

20 10. 2020

Containerisierung von .NET Core Microservices – Tipps & Tricks

2021-09-21T15:52:51+02:00By |

Containerisierung von .NET Core Microservices - Tipps & Tricks Es gibt bereits viele Artikel, in denen Sie Einzelheiten zur Containerisierung von .NET Core-Anwendung finden können. Trotzdem bin ich der Meinung, dass ein detaillierter Post helfen kann Best Practices für ein produktionsreifes Container-Image auf der Grundlage von Container- und .NET

2 11. 2016

white duck baut seine Azure Cloud Kompetenz weiter aus

2021-09-28T09:27:51+02:00By |

white duck baut seine Azure Cloud Kompetenz weiter aus Für die Entwicklung von modernen, hochskalierbaren und sicheren SaaS Anwendungen setzen wir seit inzwischen mehr als vier Jahren intensiv auf die Microsoft Azure Cloud Plattform. Die Kombination aus .NET basierter Software-Entwicklung, flexiblen Microservice Architekturen, agil entwickelnden DevOps-Teams und der sehr ausgereiften Microsoft Azure Cloud bringt uns

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