white duck Blog
Unser Team – Valentina Hermann
Unser Team - Valentina Hermann Valentina ist bei white duck Testmanagerin & DevOps Engineer mit mehr als 12 Jahren Berufserfahrung in (inter)nationalen Projekten. Sie ist eine ISTQB® zertifizierte Testerin (Advanced Level Technical Analyst). Zu ihren Aufgaben in Projekten zählen funktionale, nichtfunktionale Test sowie Testautomatisierung.
Monthly Azure news April 2021
Monthly Azure news April 2021 Your monthly dose of Azure news is online. As you may already know, in this blogpost you read about some of the most important Azure updates that have inspired our team during April. Enjoy the read and feel
Unser Team – Dario Brozovic
Unser Team - Dario Brozovic In diesem Blog Beitrag erfahren Sie mehr über Dario, der als DevOps Engineer seit fast einem Jahr Teil unseres Teams ist. Dario hat Web Business & Technology an der Hochschule Kufstein studiert und nach erfolgreicher Absolvierung der notwendigen Microsoft
Monthly Azure news March 2021
Monthly Azure news March 2021 In this blogpost you will read about some of the most important Azure updates that inspired our team during month of March. Enjoy the read! Role-based access control (RBAC) with Azure Active Directory (AAD) on Azure Cosmos DB
Monthly Azure news February 2021
Monthly Azure news February 2021 In the following summary learn about some of the most interesting Cloud Native topics that were announced in February. We hope you will enjoy reading the blogpost and hope you will find it helpful for you and your team.
Unser Team – Anela Avdibegovic
Unser Team - Anela Avdibegovic Da sich unser Team stetig weiterentwickelt, möchten wir unseren Kunden, Partnern und Followern unsere Kollegeninnen und Kollegen in nächster Zeit etwas näher vorstellen. Heute erfahren Sie mehr über Anela, die als Marketing Managerin bei uns arbeitet. Anela hat Anglistik
Dapr – The Future of Cloud-Native development is here
Dapr – The Future of Cloud-Native development is here Dapr v1.0.0 is here! To be precise, it was released tonight and is now considered ready for use in production workloads. In fact, there are already companies that are successfully using Dapr in production. So
Monthly Azure news January 2021
Monthly Azure news January 2021 Our team summarized the most relevant and interesting updates from the Azure Cloud world that were announced in January 2021. Some topics, as you will see, are not directly related to Azure, however our team finds them important
Monthly Azure news December 2020
Monthly Azure news December 2020 white duck team was monitoring the updates in the Azure Cloud world during December 2020, so in this blog post we inform about some of the most interesting news on Azure, Private Link Support for Azure Automation, Azure Functions
Monthly Azure news November 2020
Monthly Azure news November 2020 You're interested in the Azure Cloud world and want to find out what happened or what was released during November 2020? In this blog post we are bringing you some of the most interesting news from the Azure world.
Monthly Azure news October 2020
Monthly Azure news October 2020 This month as per usual we're reporting about some of the most recent news from the Azure and Cloud native world! Join us and keep reading as there are bunch of interesting updates and tips. . . Azure Kubernetes
Containerisierung von .NET Core Microservices – Tipps & Tricks
Containerisierung von .NET Core Microservices - Tipps & Tricks Es gibt bereits viele Artikel, in denen Sie Einzelheiten zur Containerisierung von .NET Core-Anwendung finden können. Trotzdem bin ich der Meinung, dass ein detaillierter Post helfen kann Best Practices für ein produktionsreifes Container-Image auf der
Monthly Azure news September 2020
Monthly Azure news - September 2020 What is new in September? white duck team is presenting you the most recent Azure updates important for this month. As there are constantly new collaborations and projects happening, you can also find some news about Docker and
Unser Azure Workshop Angebot für Softwarehersteller im Herbst
Unser Azure Workshop Angebot für Softwarehersteller im Herbst Speziell für Softwarehersteller (ISVs) und Unternehmen mit einem eigenen Software-Entwicklungsteam bieten wir im Herbst spannende Workshop-Angebote für Cloud Native Software-Entwicklung rund um die Microsoft Azure Cloud an. Mit Cloud Native-Technologien können Unternehmen skalierbare Anwendungen in einer
Monthly Azure news – August 2020
Monthly Azure news - August 2020 As promised, this month we're also bringing you some fresh news from the Azure world. In this post you will read about: Azure Functions, PowerShell cmdlets, Kubernetes, and much more, so don't hesitate to check the post. 1.
Monthly Azure news – July 2020
Monthly Azure news - July 2020 In our monthly Azure news find out which updates and findings have marked this month. Moreover, you can read about what we found useful to share with our community as well as a short summary of our Azure
Wie man ein Runbook in Azure Automation verwendet um mit anderen Diensten zu interagieren (Beispiel: Neustarts einer Webanwendung mittels PowerShell-Runbook)
Wie man ein Runbook in Azure Automation verwendet um mit anderen Diensten zu interagieren (Beispiel: Neustarts einer Webanwendung mittels PowerShell-Runbook) Azure Automation ist eine Cloud-basierte Automatisierungsplattform. Sie ermöglicht Ihnen die einfache Automatisierung von Aufgaben, deren manuelle Durchführung normalerweise viel Zeit in Anspruch nehmen würde.
Monthly Azure news – June 2020
Monthly Azure news - June 2020 This month we are bringing you the news from the Azure and Cloud Native world and hope you will enjoy some of the updates as much as we do. Microsoft and Docker extend their partnership Microsoft and Docker
Docker Rosenheim Meetup -Policy & Governance für Kubernetes
Docker Rosenheim Meetup -Policy & Governance for Kubernetes Our team is happy to present you a very hot topic in a world of Kubernetes - Policy & Governance for Kubernetes. Due to the current situation, we decided to host our Docker Rosenheim meetup via
We have launched our English website
We have launched our English website We have a bilingual website now White duck wants to share with its clients, partners and audience, who follow our work, that we have launched our English website. Through our numerous activities, we have noticed that or website
Monthly Azure news – May 2020
Monthly Azure news - May 2020 As a team passionate about Azure Cloud engineering, we have decided to feature monthly Azure news published by Microsoft Azure on our white duck blog. Our consolidated Azure news will focus on the development of cloud-native applications. The
white duck GmbH als Premium Plus Partner der IKORO
white duck GmbH als Premium Plus Partner der IKORO Die Industrie- und Kontaktmesse der Hochschule Rosenheim (IKORO) ist Jahr für Jahr ein besonderes Ereignis für Studierende der Hochschule Rosenheim sowie für regionale und überregionale Unternehmen. Die IKORO 2020 findet dieses Jahr am 27. &
SQL Database Edge – An IoT Game Changer
SQL Database Edge - An IoT Game Changer I don't remember the last time I got excited so much about a new database technology, or a new database offering to be more precise. SQL Database Edge is the inevitable result of recent Database and
white duck’s Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs)
white duck's Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs) Our MVPs (re)awarded in Microsoft Azure and Cloud & Data Management white duck GmbH pays great attention to the competence and Know-How of its employees and is delighted to promote their commitment. Therefore, we would like to introduce
Wir sind Stellwerk18 Partner
Wir sind Stellwerk18 Partner white duck offizieller Partner des Stellwerk18 Seit März 2020 ist die white duck Gmbh ein offizieller Partner des digitalen Gründerzentrums Stellwerk18 in Rosenheim. Das Stellwerk18 Das Stellwerk18 in Rosenheim ist ein digitales Gründerzentrum. In dieser Funktion unterstützt und vernetzt es
Die Blogs unserer Experten
Neuigkeiten und Wissenswertes von unseren Experten zu Cloud-Technologien und Digitalisierung.